Electric Kombi bike
Yuba long-tail KOMBI assisted with a TSDZ2 motor & open source e-bike firmware

A KOMBI bike motorized with the TSDZ2 mid drive motor. The motor firmware is upgraded with the TSDZ2 Flexible OpenSource firmware initiated by Casainho.
Typically, empty or loaded with two kids; three in rare occasions; 2300km so far with original bike chain and original motor blue gear and clutch.
The first blue bike (pictures below) uses a 36V motor - 36V battery (battery swing from 33V to 42.4V). A second bike realized with the 48V TSDZ2 motor - 48V battery (swing from 40V to 52V). The 48V version is more comfortable than the 36V version. With the 36V version, the battery swing does not allows to benefit the full potential of the motor when once it is half empty. This is not noticed with the 48V motor.
Problems encountered:
- 2300 km: crank bearing noise. Seems cranck were not tight enough. Noise in warm weather (>15°C) Not changed yet but working fine (it’s winter time).

Yuba KOMBI bike trailing a bike
Setup for trailing a BMX race-mini bike (no-one on the BMX). The trailed bike is free to rotate about its steering wheel axis and vertically (up-down) following smoothly the front bike.

Attachment setup for trailing another bike
The front wheel of the trailed bike is engaged in a fence of the foot pod. A strap maintains the front wheel firmly attached to the trailing bike providing two degree of freedom to the trailed bike frame. A second strap helps to maintain the bike the same vertical plane. Note the foot-pod fence small angle providing space for kids foots on the front bike.
- 36V battery: 3.385 kg
- 42V battery: 3.965 kg