Pitot tube

Miniature airspeed sensor

for RC plane & UAV

full description


Brass tube


mp3v5004dp & mcp3428


  • Resolution: 0.2041 Pa/LSB
  • Range: [0 836] Pa ($\approx 100km/h $)

Static sensor noise

  • 90 min log @ 100Hz, indoor, still
  • Standard Dev : 0.5 Pa

Flight tests


Pressure - Speed

$P_{diff} = \frac{1}{2}\rho v^2$

$v = \sqrt{\frac{2}{\rho} * P_{diff}}$

with $\rho = 1.16 $


standard deviation0.742.6

with wind:

  • 2.6 m/s
  • from 101° (east)

page with further details

flight trace

connecting (fish line protection)
